

Welcome to our Events Calendar! Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the rare disease community in Canada and beyond. From webinar and conferences to workshops and other events, our calendar is your one-stop destination for all rare disease-related happenings. Explore upcoming events, mark your calendar, and join as we work together to make a difference in the lives of those affected by rare diseases.

Watch our walkthrough videos in English and French for guidance navigating the calendar HERE. 

ENVISAGE – IAACD global listening and sharing session

Travel the globe with the International Alliance Academies of Childhood Disability (IAACD) in a 24-hour VIRTUAL listening and sharing session to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities! This year’s theme is “Families: Who Cares for Them?”. For the first time ever, Canada is represented in this event!

Organoid Symposium & Workshop

Stem Cell Network is excited to partner with the University of Toronto’s Applied Organoid Core in delivering the 2024 Organoid Symposium: Generation and Applications of iPSC-Derived Organoid Models! Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived organoid research offers unique opportunities to explore human disease, advance personalized drug discovery, and study complex biological processes such as development and […]

Child Health Hub in Transition to Adult Healthcare

The Child Health Hub in Transition to Adult Healthcare is excited to be hosting the 2nd Transition to Adulthood Pop-Up event on December 2-3, 2023, at the beautiful Hyatt Regency in downtown Vancouver. This event aims to bring together youth, families, trainees, researchers, clinicians, and policy/decision makers to celebrate the best of what we are […]

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Outcome Measures Workshop (English Language)

Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Earlier this year, NMD4C, MDC and Quebec SMA Network hosted the first interactive training session for French-speaking physiotherapists and occupational therapists on assessment measures and practices for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). To complement this training session, the NMD4C will be hosting an English-language interactive training workshop on standardizing assessment practices in SMA outcome measures. This workshop […]

Accessing Data through DASH

Learn how HDRN Canada's Data Access Support Hub (DASH) can help health researchers access multi-regional data.

Duchenne Patient Academy 2024!

This year, the 8th edition of Duchenne Patient Academy will take place. The Academy provides online training for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) patient advocates. Duchenne Patient Academy 2024 will take place on Friday December 6, and Saturday December 7 fully online. Over the course of 2 days, Duchenne Patient Academy attendees will listen to […]

ACT Canada Webinar Series: Health Policy Trials Unit: Closing the gap between evidence and policy with David Campbell, Amity Quinn & Terry Saunders-Smith (Calgary AB)

This webinar will provide an introduction to the Health Policy Trials Unit at the University of Calgary, which was established with funding from ACT Canada. The presenters will define policy trials and illustrate key elements and challenges of policy trials through examples of past and current projects. Learning objectives: 1. Understand what health policy trials […]

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