Larry D. Lynd PhD, BSP, FCAHS

Innovative Therapies Pillar Member

Dr. Larry Lynd is a pharmacist, epidemiologist, and health outcomes researcher. He completed his PhD in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology at UBC and his post-doctoral fellowship in health economics at McMaster University. Currently, Dr. Lynd is Professor and Director of the Collaboration for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE) at the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences; at the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences at the Providence Health Research Institute; Scholar at the Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies; and Associate of the UBC School of Population and Public Health.

His primary areas of research include the testing and treatment of rare diseases, multiple sclerosis, and respiratory disease. He is the lead of the epidemiology/health economics themes for the: CANadian PROactive Cohort study for People Living with MS, a 5-year pan-Canadian prospective cohort study in multiple sclerosis; the GenCOUNSEL study, evaluating the implementation of whole genome sequencing for the provision of clinical genetic services; and, the Early Health Technology Assessment platform for the Nanomedicines Innovation Network.

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